Tuesday, 13 November 2012

A shout out for enthusiastic volunteers!

As a result of recent consultation and very positive discussions with businesses, we are keen to progress to the next stage and produce a Business Plan for the BID. To do this we need to establish a strong steering group to take it forward. This is where we need you!

Already a number of town centre retailers and businesses have expressed an interest in getting involved including The Mall, Primark and Marks & Spencer. 

Ideally the group would be made up of people representing the interests of range of town centre business sectors and also include people from a variety of geographical areas of the town.

We are particularly keen that independent retailers outside of The Mall, the evening economy and cafe/restaurant trade are represented, as well as non-retail businesses and organisations that operate in the town centre.

We are hoping to organise the first meeting for volunteers for the end of November, so if you are interested in getting involved and can spare a little time to help get things going then please let us know as soon as possible by calling 01254 588958, emailing regeneration@blackburn.gov.uk or you can leave a comment below.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Independent traders positive about benefit of BID

Despite the disappointing turn out to last nights Blackburn BID consultation event, a lively and productive debate followed the presentation by Clare Turner, Development Manager at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. Hopefully, a few myths and rumours were busted and businesses that did attend left feeling much more informed about what a BID actually is and what it could do for them.

The evening raised some interesting points about where the BID boundary should lie and whether there should or should not be any exemptions to the levy. As all the businesses present were local independents, there was also some concerns raised about the role of The Mall and the major high street chains in the BID. This generated some ideas about how to ensure the BID fund would benefit the businesses outside of The Mall and highlighted the opportunity for independents to be directly involved in the decision making through representation on the BID Board.

The issue of who would ultimately deliver the BID was one that seemed to be causing some reservations, but businesses were reassured that this would be a decision made by the BID Board.

Businesses made a strong case for more advertising and promotion of the independent offer outside of the Mall and even suggested that something might be done to help businesses move premises and cluster together to make the offer more attractive to customers. The relative benefits of events to attract people around the town were also discussed, though as always there were mixed feelings about the effectiveness of these in generating trade.

Although there is still much uncertainly about whether a BID is the right thing for Blackburn town centre, general feedback seemed supportive and overall, as long as the final proposals reflect the real needs of town centre businesses, it seems a 'yes' vote could be on the cards.

What was clear from the evening is that the next stage of consultation will need to identify individuals from within the town centre business community who could provide strong leadership to champion the BID and form the BID Board.

A PDF of the presentation from the event can be downloaded here.

If you missed the event and havent yet completed the BID questionnaire, you can do so on-line here.

Coming soon..........frequently asked questions and answers.

Friday, 12 October 2012

So who are we again?

It seems there are a few people in town who are still a little unsure about what Blackburn Town Centre Partnership is and who the current members are. More will be shared at the consultation event on Thursday 25th October, but in the mean time here is a rough guide to the BTCP.

The Blackburn Town Centre Partnership was set up a number of years ago and is a group of proactive representatives from the local business community, public and voluntary sector - all with an interest in the town centre. The purpose of the Partnership is to work together to support prosperity in the town centre and to help secure the long term economic future of the town and its businesses.

The group is facilitated by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and chaired by Councillor Dave Harling, Executive Member for Regeneration. The group meet on a bi-monthly basis to share information, discuss town centre issues, influence Council policy and to drive forward initiatives which promote town centre growth.

Current members represent a wide variety of town centre interests and include:

Councillor Dave Harling - Executive member for Regeneration (Chair)
Inspector Abid Khan - Blackburn Police
Councillor Alan Cottam
Eileen Hargreaves, representing Blackburn Market traders
Ilyas Munshi - E4All
John Draper - Thwaites
John Threlfall - Lancashire United
Councillor Andy Kay
Councillor Michael Lee
Lisa O'Loughlin - Blackburn College
Lizzie Patel - Manager Marks & Spencer
Loraine Jones - Manager, The Mall, Blackburn
Nick Riley, Groundwork Pennine Lancashire
Peter Hobkirk, Blackburn Chamber of Trade
Peter Jackson, representing Blackburn independent traders
Philip Ainsworth, representing Blackburn independent traders
The Very Reverend Christopher Armstrong, Blackburn Cathedral

Supported by Clare Turner, Town Centre Regeneration Manager, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.

You can contact the Blackburn Town Centre Partnership via regeneration@blackburn.gov.uk or by contacting Clare Turner on 01254 588942. Alternatively leave a comment below and we'll get back to you.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Do you have a business in Blackburn town centre?

Blackburn Town centre Partnership would like to invite you to a Blackburn Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) consultation event on Thursday 25th October 2012.

The event will take place in the Hornby Lecture Theatre at Blackburn Library on Town Hall Street from 5.30pm - approx 7pm.

The aim of the evening is to explain a little more about what a BID actually is, what it could do for the town and how much it might cost.

There will be a short presentation and then plenty of time for question and answers, discussion and opportunity to voice your views.

If you have a business in Blackburn town centre, it's really important that you try and attend, even if its just for a short while. We need to know what you think!

Programme for the evening:from 5pm - Theatre open - the Hornby Theatre is on the first floor of the library, just go up the stairs or lift and along the corridor.

5.30pm - Welcome and introductions - who are the Blackburn Town centre Partnership Board and what do we do?

5.40pm - Blackburn BID - what's it all really about?

5.50pm - Proposals so far - find out what businesses have already told us and what we think might be a good plan of action to support the town centre and local trade.

6.10pm - How much will it cost? - what will it mean for your businesses in pounds and pence?

6.20pm - Q & A - lets be open and honest - is there anything you really want to know about the BID?

6.40pm - Business Feedback - now is the time to tell us what you think - will you be voting yes?

7pm - Close

For further information about the event call 01254 588958 or leave a comment here.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Should Blackburn Town Centre become a Business Improvement District?

Many towns and cities are now creating BIDs as a way to generate extra income to help support their high streets. BIDs are controlled by businesses for the benefit of businesses and together they decide what activities are undertaken. In other towns, this has included things like marketing and events, additional cleansing, planting schemes, shopper loyalty initiatives and crime prevention projects.

Funds are raised to pay for a BID through a levy (usually around 1% of rateable value) which is paid by businesses on top of their business rates.

A BID will only be created if businesses want one and vote in favour of it.

Over the last 12 months, the Blackburn Town Centre Partnership have been looking into the potential for a Blackburn BID. We have been consulting businesses on what kind of things they think would help
them and whether they would be prepared to vote for and pay into a BID.

So far feedback has been positive and the town has the potential to raise up to £250,000 through a BID.

Before we are ready to formally take a vote on it, we are keen to consult with businesses further on the proposal, answer any questions you may have and get your ideas on what activity would most help your
business and the town to prosper. We are planning a consultation event on Thursday 25th October 2012 so that we can explain more about what a BID is, what businesses have already said they would like to see happen in the town centre and to get some more feedback from people about whether they think it's a good idea or not. Details of the event to follow shortly.......